The Large Magellanic Cloud is the brightest neighbouring galaxy to our Milky Way. Simulations calculate that it will probably collide with our Milky Way in one to four billion years.

Ferdinand Magellan set out 500 years ago with a fleet of 5 ships to the west to prove that the Earth is round and to find a short route to the Spice Islands. He described two large nebulae in the sky of the southern hemisphere, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, which were later named after him. After mutiny and a disastrous voyage around Cape Horn, three ships finally reached the Philippines. There, however, Magellan was killed in battle against the natives. In the end, a single ship with 26 tonnes of spices, but only 18 of 242 men, reached Spain again.

Large Magellanic Cloud – PGC 17223

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